If experiencing issues like chrome being frozen on the save screen, use chrome as the browser and use the "Desktop Site Mode" option then use the edit button, later there should be a save button below or use a browser like Firefox which isn't as slow as chrome on certain devices and doesn't hang while saving.

To save, edit/add your report, click on the tick-mark above, click next and when the next menu appears, press Save so it saves the progress. To edit on mobile it is HIGHLY suggested to use google chrome, the process of adding/editing and merging cells is the same as above (Basically you take the name cell of the game AND the first cell of the row you made, then drag and select both after which there should be a "merge cells" option). (Basically you take the name cell of the game AND the first cell of the row you made, then drag and select both after which there should be a "merge cells" option). To edit and add your own report on an existing game, please scroll till you find the game-select the cell and add a row below, then select the row you made and the main row that existed from before and merge both cells. To add your own game, go to the row at the very end and click on the cell with the name, select the arrow on the left and select "insert row below/above (depending on where your game goes alphabetically). Add your own report after having played the game ATLEAST 10-30 minutes and report based on the layout the list is using. Theres no need to edit existing reports. The list here will be regularly backed up so please dont be a prick and wipe stuff out.