Mixbus v8 professional#
Mixbus provides professional features such as Loudness Analysis (dBTP+LUFS+LU Range), LTC (SMPTE) generation and sync video pullup/pulldown.Industry standard plug-in support: Mixbus loads AudioUnit (AU) plug-ins on OSX and both VST and LV2 plug-ins on all platforms.Extensive DAW editing features including "Smart Tool", Ripple Edit, and configurable keybindings for nearly every operation.Comprehensive "at-a-glance" metering with peak, peak hold, and compressor gain reduction visible on every track and bus.Automatic plug-in delay compensation to support effects such as parallel compression without time misalignment.Stereo Master Bus that features Tone controls, Analog Tape Saturation, K-meter, Stereo Correlation Meter, and Limiter.Mixbus32C has an optimized signal flow with 12 stereo mix buses and a master bus, all featuring Tone controls, Compression, Sidechaining, and Analog Tape Saturation simulation.Polarity, Input trim, Sweepable 4-band EQ with second order HP and LP filters, Compression, and 12 mix bus sends on every track.Unlimited MIDI tracks, each with virtual instrument support, unlimited plug-ins, sends and inserts.

Many of those consoles are still in operation throughout the world.

For example, the world renowned Harrison 32C analog console was used on records by Michael Jackson "Thriller", Paul Simon "Graceland", Janet Jackson, AC/DC, ABBA, Queen, Led Zeppelin, ELO, Genesis, Blondie, and Supertramp, to name a few, and was instrumental in establishing the sound of those amazing records.

This real-time reputation is, without a doubt, the best measure of a product's true worth. Such a level of acceptance can only be gained as a product proves its maturity through performance in the field. Over the last 40 years, Harrison consoles have earned an enviable reputation for excellence throughout the world. Mixbus 32C is a full-featured digital audio workstation that improves on the Mixbus platform with an exact emulation of the original Harrison 32C parametric four-band sweepable EQ, and 4 additional stereo summing buses.